In an outbreak of common sense, the U.S. Navy announces that it will ditch a plan to rename jobs that end in "man" or aren't gender-sensitive in some other way. Fox News reports that there had been "thousands" of complaints:

Navy Adm. John Richardson, chief of naval operations, said in a statement that the proposed removal of rating titles “was unnecessary and detracted from accomplishing our major goals.”

In September, the Navy had said it would shelve hundreds of years of tradition and follow the practice of the other armed services which call enlisted servicemembers by their rank, such as petty officer or sergeant. The Navy has long used more specific titles such as “corpsman” and “chief yeoman,” which are steeped in tradition but difficult for the public to translate or understand.

The initial decision to drop traditional titles and refer to sailors by their rank had signaled a sharp cultural shift for the Navy. Efforts to change titles that ended in "man" also were in response to the Pentagon decision to open all combat jobs to women.

In a memo, Richardson said that modernizing the job ratings or titles was designed to give sailors more flexibility in training and assignments. Switching to names more understandable to the civilian world, Navy leaders argued, would make it easier to get jobs once sailors left the service.

The bolding is mine.