From the annals of "So This Is Feminism?" (label courtesy of Twitchy's formidable Sarah D.):
As we know,over the weekend New York Times reporter Jacob Bernstein called First Lady Melania Trump a "hooker" at a New York Fashion Week event. Because mainstream journalists are ever so classy and so careful about the truth that Melania's husband has some nerve–don't you think?– ignoring them at his press conferences and calling on reporters from conservative outlets instead.
At any rate, Bernstein, after being reprimanded by his editor (or something)–ultimately got around to admitting that he had made a "mistake" (or something). He said he had been referring to "unfounded rumors"–that is to say, to the kind of stuff that mainstream journalists trade around with each other when they think that no one from the outside is listening. And you wonder why, yesterday, President Trump's press conference/rant at the mainstream media was, depending on your point of view, either a prime example of how "unhinged" the leader of the free world is these days or one of the most brutally funny entertainment experiences you've ever had in your life.
At any rate, someone from the outside had been listening to Bernstein's crack about Melania, it turned out, actress/model Emily Ratajkowski, who "Ratted-ajkowski" out Bernstein in a series of tweets:
Sat next to a journalist from the NYT last night who told me "Melania is a hooker." Whatever your politics it's crucial to call this out for
Gender specific attacks are disgusting sexist bull[—-].
Well! We can't have that! So, as Sarah D. reports, Slate's Heather Schwedel was right on Ratajkowski's case:
Emily Ratajkowski defending Melania Trump is not what we need right now
Schwedel was apparently quite put out that Melania had tweeted her thanks to Ratajkowski:
Applause to all women around the world who speak up, stand up and support other women!
While protesting slut-shaming is a valid stance, if this seems like an annoying nontroversy, well, that might be an even more a valid stance. It’s not funny or amusing that a reporter saw fit to throw around the word hooker, but it’s also not clear that calling it out was the best use of Ratajkowski’s energies or platform. Much has been written about the riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in pearls that is Melania, and while it’s hard to say how much she should be held accountable for her husband’s politics (which she has at times upheld and other times seemed to distance herself from), I think we can all agree not to call her a hooker without patting ourselves on the back for it.
And if that weren't enough finger-wagging, Schwedel continued:
It’s not that she’s wrong, it’s more like … stop trying to educate me about feminism, @emrata. When defending Melania, why not also point out how much her husband’s administration’s policies stand to hurt women’s rights and safety? It’s for these same reasons that Melania’s thank-you message to Ratajkowski rings hollow. In addition to the fact that her husband has launched gender-specific attacks on women of the very nature Ratajkowski was criticizing, the notion of “support[ing] other women” just because we’re all in this together, ladies, is reductive and not a productive stance. What has Melania done to support real women who are not members of her family? If we really want to support women, we need less woke models speaking out on Twitter and more people actually taking action.
Seems that sisterhood isn't so powerful when you're on the other side of the political divide.