Rep. Cedric Richmond should be really glad he is not a Republican.

If Republican had made the kind of uncouth remark Richmond made about Kelleyanne Conway in the now-world-famous picture of her on the sofa in the Oval Office, it could, rightly, have been a career ender. Richmond will escape with momentary embarrassment.

But here is what he said at a Washington Press Foundation dinner:

“I really just want to know what was going on there,” Richmond said to Sen. Tim Scott. He continued, “You know I won’t tell anybody and you can just explain to me that circumstance because she really looked kind of familiar in that position.”

I can't improve upon what John Sexton of Hot Air said:

Let’s face it, if a Republican congressman had cracked this “joke” about the most powerful Democratic woman in Washington, it would have launched 1,000 feminist memes. Few would have cared it was supposed to be funny, only that a GOP male had turned an accomplished woman into a sex object. If that same GOP representative had then offered a lame excuse instead of an apology the left would be off to the races.

Put another way, if this incident isn’t grounds for a lecture on intersectionality and the glass ceiling then please spare me the next time some GOP backbencher says something equally dumb. The moral posturing from the feminist left really doesn’t deserve much attention until it stops being so selective with its outrage.

The Washington Post headline calls Richmond's remarks "an awkward joke." Here's the headline:

Rep. Cedric Richmond Made an Awkward Joke about Kelleyanne Conway, but He Says It Wasn't Meant to be Sexual

The Post suggested that Richmond should "leave the ad-libbing to the professionals."

Really, that's all you've got?

No analysis of the depths misogyny it implied?