April 12, 2017
The Future is Now: School Choice and Other Reforms in 2017
Thursday | April 13, 2017
1706 New Hampshire Avenue NW
Time: 5:30pm-8:00pm (lite bites provided)
(WASHINGTON, DC) — Tomorrow, April 13, the Independent Women's Forum will host a book event with author and education expert Vicki Alger and a panel discussion on the current and unprecedented opportunities for education reform. What will real reform look like? Will headwinds from entrenched interests limit opportunities?
We all saw the outrage of teacher unions and their allies when Betsy Devos, a supporter of school choice, became the new secretary of education. What can be done to ensure that real reforms are enacted? Will federal micromanaging of K-12 education be rolled back? How can we encourage a healthier climate on college campuses?
VICKI ALGER | Senior Fellow at Independent Women's Forum and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, author of the acclaimed new book Failure: The Federal Miseducation of America's Children
LINDSEY BURKE | Director of the Heritage Foundation's Center for Education Policy and Will Skillman Fellow in Education in the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity
EDWARD BARTLETT | President of SAVE (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments)
SABRINA SCHAEFFER | Executive Director, Independent Women's Forum
Welcoming Remarks:
ASHLEY B. CARTER | Coalitions Director, Independent Women's Forum and At-Large Member, D.C. State Board of Education
Independent Women's Forum works to improve the lives of Americans by increasing the number of women who value free-markets and personal liberty.