Former first lady Michelle Obama has joined Hillary Clinton in portraying women who did not vote for Mrs. Clinton in 2016 as not knowing what was good for them:
“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their (sic) own voice,” Obama told a crowd at the 2017 Inbound business conference during her session with author Roxane Gay, according to the Boston Globe.
Still, Mrs. Obama is to be commended for accepting the results the election, unlike somebody else we could name, albeit with a little whininess:
Mrs. O added that she and her husband, former president Barack Obama, want the Trump administration to be successful and that they support the current commander in chief despite the fact that “there was an entire party that didn’t support” Obama during his time in office. Being in the White House, she said, afforded her a “different perspective,” making it easier to throw her support behind its current occupant.
In the wake of the surprise Donald Trump's unset election to the presidency, Democrats seemed to realize the need to reach out to people who regarded their party as out-of-touch and elitist.
Both Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama appear to believe that the way to reach out to people, especially women, beyond the Democratic base, is to condescend to them. That issues, policies, and cultural considerations played into decisions not to vote for Mrs. Clinton still eludes them.