Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Another #GoodDealForWomen
House Passes Monumental Vote to Defend Second Amendment Rights
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Independent Women’s Forum visiting fellow and editor-at-large Jenn Jacques issued the statement below about the House passage of the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, legislation to permit concealed carry license holders to conceal a handgun in other states:
"This is a monumental vote to defend our Second Amendment rights and I’m thrilled the House recognized that law-abiding citizens’ rights do not stop at state lines.
"Today’s vote is not only a breakthrough in protecting American’s right to keep and bear arms, but gives women an exceptionally significant advantage by giving them the freedom to travel throughout this great nation without surrendering their right to self-defense in certain states.
"I am also thrilled that the legislation includes improvements to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which gun owners and the NRA have fought to fix for over a decade."
Last month, IWF released The Second Amendment Improves Women's Lives policy focus written by Jacques. Additionally, IWF featured Second Amendment advocate and rape survivor Kimberly Corban for its monthly Modern Feminist portrait.
Independent Women's Forum is dedicated to developing and advancing policies that aren’t just well intended, but actually enhance people’s freedom, choices, and opportunities.
Victoria Coley |