Immediate Release
March 14, 2018
Kudlow's Economic Expertise Will Again Be An Asset to the Nation
Washington, DC — Independent Women's Forum Director of Policy Hadley Heath Manning issued the statement below on President Trump naming Larry Kudlow as top economic advisor, replacing Gary Cohn as National Economic Council Director:
"We applaud and celebrate the Trump Administration addition of Larry Kudlow — longtime IW friend and board member — to the position of National Economic Council director.
"Kudlow’s economic expertise will again be an asset to the nation, just as it was when he served under Ronald Reagan. His analysis as a Senior CNBC Contributor has always been spot on as he has advocated for low taxes, fiscal restraint, and “free markets, free people.” Kudlow shares IW’s view that women, men, and families experience greater prosperity with greater economic freedom.
"We expect that as National Economic Council director, Kudlow will ?build upon President Trump's success on tax reform and deregulation, encouraging the Administration to right-size the budget, reduce the debt, and roll back government's control on health care. We wish Larry Kudlow the very best and congratulate the Trump Administration on his selection. "
Independent Women's Forum works to improve the lives of Americans by increasing the number of women who value free-markets and personal liberty.
Caroline Phelps |