CNBC has released the results of a poll that finds for the first time that Americans by a small majority give President Trump credit for the improving economy. Here are the highlights:

  • Trump’s economic approval rating surged 6 points to 51 percent, according to the latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey.
  • Fifty-four percent say the economy is good or excellent, the highest recorded by CNBC in the 10 years of the survey.
  • The recent headlines on immigration have not hurt his ratings, according to the survey.

Eight hundred adults were polled and there is a 3.5 points margin for error. The President's overall approval rating rose 4 points to 41 percent positive. Disapproval dropped 10 points to 47 percent.

While most of the approval for the President's performance on the economy comes from Republicans, there is some Democratic support:

The president’s economic approval numbers come with some support from Democrats, said Jay Campbell with Hart Research Associates, the Democratic pollster for the survey. “There is component of Democratic base that’s willing to acknowledge the improving economy and willing to give Trump a certain amount of credit for it,’’ Campbell said. “A large number still disapprove of Trump on the economy but 30 percent of Democrats is not nothing.”

Most popular: tax cuts.

Read the entire story.