July 2, 2018
Statement: Environmentalist Focus Should be Polluting Nations, Not Plastic Straws
WASHINGTON, DC — In response to Seattle's ban on the use of plastic straws by all food service businesses, Julie Gunlock, director of the Center for Progress and Innovation at Independent Women’s Forum, released the following statement:
"This is silly. Ninety percent of the plastic in the ocean comes from polluting nations in Asia and Africa. Banning straws in one American city will do nothing to reduce plastics in the ocean. But this isn't really about the ocean and the health and safety of marine life, this is yet another attack by regressive environmentalists on modern American life and an effort to demonize the plastics industry.
"If Americans really want to do something to support healthy oceans, they should demand environmental groups stop wasting time banning straws and utensils and focus more attention on the countries that are responsible for polluting the world’s precious oceans."
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