IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 29, 2018
Contact: [email protected]

Statement: Failure to Reauthorize VAWA is Shameful
New VAWA Should Respond to Female Genital Mutilation, Encourage Transparency & Accountability

Washington, DC — Independent Women's Forum Senior Advisor Andrea Bottner released the following statement in response to Congress' failure to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA):

Shamefully, we watched the Violence Against Women Act expire at midnight one week ago today.

Politics continues to stand in the way of this important legislation being reauthorized amidst this government shutdown.

Independent Women's Forum has advocated for a new and improved VAWA to respond to new threats like female genital mutilation, encourage increased transparency, demand accountability, and make sure those seeking assistance and involvement are treated fairly. 

We urge the Congress to keep these principles in mind as they return to work. We look forward to a continued and robust discussion about VAWA as quickly as possible.

Independent Women's Forum signed a letter to Senator Grassley earlier this year expressing support for including provisions enhancing penalties in VAWA for female genital mutilation.


Independent Women's Forum is an educational 501(c)(3) dedicated to developing and advancing policies that aren’t just well-intended, but actually enhance people’s freedom, choices, and opportunities.