A new Rasmussen Reports poll focused on gender politics asked respondents two questions: first, how important is a political candidate’s gender in determining how you vote, and second, would you vote for or against a candidate solely because of their gender?
Here are the findings: 76 percent of likely U.S. voters say a candidate’s gender is not important to their vote, including 51 percent who say it’s not at all important. Just 12 percent of likely U.S. voters consider a political candidate’s gender very important in determining how they vote.
Only 4 percent of all voters say they would vote for or against a candidate solely because of their gender. Ninety-two percent say gender would not be the sole factor in determining their vote.
That confirms what Independent Women's Voice found earlier this year: When casting their ballots, voters are less concerned with a candidate’s gender than they are the candidate’s qualifications and policy plans. This includes of large majority of women, 84 percent, who said that gender was not a determining factor in deciding who they would vote for in the 2018 midterm elections. This was nearly identical for men, 85 percent.
This means that, to the Left’s dismay, women are not automatically programmed to support a female candidate solely because she is female. Why? Because women are not a monolithic group. They want to see elected the best and most qualified candidates who promise to advance their preferred policies, regardless of sex.
But some refuse to accept that women are not a political monolith, and they believe that the women who don’t identify with leftist politics must have something wrong with them.
It was former first lady Michelle Obama who said that women who voted for President Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election voted against their "own voice.” Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright even went as far to say that there’s a “special place in hell for women who don't help each other,” naturally meaning those who don’t vote for Clinton.
Speaking of those who think women can be solely defined by gender, the third annual Women's March is scheduled to take place on Jan. 19, 2019. The first march was held in Washington, D.C., following the 2016 presidential election in January 2017, in protest of Trump’s inauguration.
The organizers claim to represent all women, but the truth is that the Women’s March agenda is shaped mainly around what it's against, and that's Trump. The movement’s organizers have always purposefully sought to exclude not just the 4 in 10 female voters who supported Trump over Clinton in 2016, but any woman who disagrees with any part of their extensive leftist political agenda.
If the movement really represented “all women,” then it would recognize and respect that women hold a wide variety of political views and opinions. Yet, from the beginning, the Women’s March has relied on identity politics. It’s all about promoting a liberal agenda.
This upcoming Women’s March, participants have every right to assemble and express their points of view, but that doesn’t mean that they really care about being a voice for all women. Not only do they ignore the fact that not all women think alike, they seek to tear down those who dare to disagree with their left-wing priorities.
In 2018, many women ran for some of the nation’s highest offices and won, ensuring that women will be well-represented in all levels of public office across the country. That’s something to celebrate. Women bring a unique perspective to critical issues ranging from healthcare to national defense to education. But these women won their respective seats because they worked hard and earned it, not because they happened to be women.