Vicki Alger, Senior Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum joins the podcast to discuss her efforts on education reform, what options are available for parents and lawmakers, and what we can expect from the states in 2019.
In this Heartland Daily Podcast, Vicki Alger talks about state-level education reforms. Vicki is a Senior Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, and holds a Senior Fellowship at the Fraser Institute. She is also the author of the book Failure: The Federal “Miseduktion” of America’s Children. Vicki is an author of an IWF report on the federal of safety mandates and why parental choice is a better remedy, as well as The Heartland Institute’s recent brief address school bullying Protecting Students With Child Safety Accounts. Vicki has advised the U.S. Department of Education on public school choice and higher education reform, and has advised policymakers in nearly 40 states.
Vicki joins Heartland’s State Government Relations Manager Lindsey Stroud to discuss the state of education in the United States, what reforms we can expect from state lawmakers in 2019. Lindsey and Vicki discuss the parent’s role in education and the various education choice programs including vouchers, education savings accounts, tax credit scholarships and child safety accounts. For more information about Vicki’s work, please visit and For more information about education choice reform, please visit and the Heartland Institute’s Center for Transforming Information.
Listen to the podcast here.