In a racist article in the Yale Daily News, Isis Davis-Marks, who describes herself as approaching graduation at the Ivy League college, urges fellow Yalies to collect information on white, male classmates now; it could come in handy later on to destroy their careers.
This is how Davis-Marks begins:
Everyone knows a white boy with shiny brown hair and a saccharine smile that conceals his great ambitions. He could be in Grand Strategy or the Yale Political Union. Maybe he’s the editor-in-chief of the News. He takes his classes. He networks. And, when it comes time for graduation, he wins all the awards.
One day, I’ll turn on the television — or, who knows, maybe televisions will be obsolete by this point — and I’ll see him sitting down for his Senate confirmation hearing. Yes, he’ll be a bit older, with tiny wrinkles sprouting at the corners of his eyes and a couple of gray hairs jutting out of the top of his widow’s peak. But that smile, that characteristic saccharine smile, will remain the same.
When I’m watching the white boy — who is now a white man by this point — on CNN, I’ll remember a racist remark that he said, an unintentional utterance that he made when he had one drink too many at a frat party during sophomore year.
I’ll recall a message that he accidentally left open on a computer when he forgot to log out of iMessage, where he likened a woman’s body to a particularly large animal. I’ll kick myself for forgetting to screenshot the evidence.
And, when I’m watching him smile that smile, I’ll think that I could have stopped it.
The article concludes:
I’m watching you, white boy. And this time, I’m taking the screenshot.
We should all be appalled by racist or sexist remarks but at the same Ms. Davis-Marks' animosity is also distressing. Is the atmosphere at Yale really as cruel as Ms. Davis-Marks makes it ut to be?
If Yale is a hot house of racism and sexism, don't wait 15 years to call out the culprits!
They will benefit more by it now. Setting up a spy state to ruin people is a less wholesome alternative.
Another Yale student, Karl Notturno, writing at American Greatness, points out another drawback to planned character assassination: it encourages rumors that are not true. Notturno writes:
For each credible rumor of impropriety—be it of racism, sexual misconduct, or just plain malevolence—there already will be many rumors that are widely exaggerated or simply false. And the more that these accusations are taken at face value with little if any scrutiny, the more malicious parties will be emboldened to spread false rumors to serve their own purposes.
Many innocent people will be dragged through the mud.
There's another consideration.
The essayist Lance Morrow suggests that our fixation on adolescent behavior "reflects a stunted moral intelligence."
People do grow up and change.
Isis Davis-Marks is probably a bright young woman with a rosy future.
Let's hope that in 15 years she will have a less hostile attitude toward a large segment of the human population.