For $2,500, you can throw a dinner party that features Race to Dinner entrepreneurs Regina Jackson, who is black, and Saira Rao, who “identifies” as Indian American, telling you and your guests that you are racist.
Race to Dinner affairs feature a white hostess and seven other women. The fee can be paid by one woman or divided up among the eight. A report in the Guardian newspaper explains:
A frank discussion is led by co-founders Regina Jackson, who is black, and Saira Rao, who identifies as Indian American. They started Race to Dinner to challenge liberal white women to accept their racism, however subconscious. “If you did this in a conference room, they’d leave,” Rao says. “But wealthy white women have been taught never to leave the dinner table.”
Rao and Jackson believe white, liberal women are the most receptive audience because they are open to changing their behavior. They don’t bother with the 53% of white women who voted for Trump. White men, they feel, are similarly a lost cause. “White men are never going to change anything. If they were, they would have done it by now,” Jackson says.
What kind of women sign up for this expensive guilt trip?
The women who sign up for these dinners are not who most would see as racist. They are well-read and well-meaning. They are mostly Democrats. Some have adopted black children, many have partners who are people of color, some have been doing work towards inclusivity and diversity for decades.
But they acknowledge they also have unchecked biases. They are there because they “know [they] are part of the problem, and want to be part of the solution,” as host Jess Campbell-Swanson says before dinner starts.
May I offer a deal? I’ll come to your dinner for free to tell you that, while the United States has a troubled racial past, no doubt about it, we are not a racist people.
The women who give these dinners, aside perhaps from needing financial counseling, are also falling for a line that is increasingly being peddled by the left, frequently not without advantage to purveyors.
The best example of this is the New York Times 1619 Project, which seeks to “reframe” American history. Racism, according to the 1619 Project is in our DNA. But serious historians have issued a devastating critique, pointing out that the 1619 Project’s grasp of history is tenuous.
Yes, there are racists and, yes, some people carry subconscious remnants of racism. But the United States has worked hard to ensure respect and opportunities for all people. It started with a war in which thousands died to eliminate slavery.
But there are some racists at these dinners. Robby Soave of Reason comments:
For someone who stylizes herself as an anti-racism activist, Rao engages in constant racial stereotyping. Her Twitter feed reads like satire in the vein of Titania McGrath, a self-aware parody account (at least from what I can recall of it before she blocked me). For Rao, everything and everyone is racist—especially white women, whom she does not like one bit.
Soave provides edifying selections from Ms. Rao’s twitter feed.
I don’t know what is served as these dinners, but one thing is clear about the hostesses and their guests:
These women are gluttons for punishment.