Women Are Making Incredible Strides in the Workplace without the Help of Quotas
- From 2016 to 2019, women’s portion of corporate board seats increased from 15 to 20 percent.
- Since the early 2000s, women have outpaced men in education, earning the majority of bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees.
- In 2019, women comprised the majority of the college-educated workforce for the first time ever.
- Women’s wages are growing faster than men’s.
- Between 2014 and 2019, the number of women-owned firms increased by 21 percent, compared to 9 percent for all firms.
Firms Should Focus on Profit, Not Sex-Based Diversity
- Firms should be free to select candidates they believe are most qualified and best suited for positions of leadership.
- Some argue that greater sex-based diversity on boards will lead to higher profits, but if this were true, firms would choose sexually-diverse boards for the sake of their own self interest.
- Evidence from Europe shows that quotas can result in less-experienced boards, which threaten firms.
Quotas Fail to Recognize the Real Root of Workplace Disparities
- Quotas wrongly rely on the premise that workplace disparities today are primarily the result of persistent systemic sexism.
- In reality, the choices that women make throughout their careers affect their trajectories.
- Companies should respect women’s individual merits and preferences without tokenism.
Quotas, while well-intentioned, do more harm than good.
Click here to read the full policy focus and learn more about gender board quotas.