The Independent Women’s Law Center fellowship provides an opportunity for two law students to contribute substantively to IWLC’s efforts. IWLC advocates—in the courts, in Congress, and in the media—for equal opportunity, individual liberty, freedom of association, separation of powers, and the rule of law. At the same time, IWLC pushes back against attempts to convince the public that constitutionalist, originalist judges are a threat to women’s rights.

This part-time position (20 hours a week) will give fellows who are passionate about liberty an opportunity to conduct legal research, contribute to opinion pieces, and author legal policy papers. The three month fellowship offers a $3,000 stipend and generally runs from the last week of May through mid-August.

Some of IWLC’s recent work includes filing amicus briefs in the United States Supreme Court in support of Harris Funeral Homes,Americans for Prosperity, Little Sisters of the Poor, and Our Lady of Guadalupe School. IWLC has also filed in the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in support of Speech First, and in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in support of the Department of Health and Human Services in American Hospital Association v. Azar.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and five to ten page writing sample below. IWLC will hire on a rolling basis. Questions? Please email [email protected] with subject link “IWLC Summer Fellowship.”

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