Wide-eyed 18-year-olds beginning their college careers with freshman orientation this month are in for a shock. Gone are the days of silly icebreakers and barbecues.
Today’s freshman orientation serves as a crash-course on how to navigate the politically correct halls of higher education, where words are violence, gender is a choice, and all whites are racist.
Here are five lies students will be taught before they even step foot in their first college class:
Lie No. 1: White privilege is real
Skin color is treated as the most important factor about a person on campus. Freshmen undergo various exercises about “privilege” that contend white, male Christians have it the easiest in life while all others are oppressed in different ways. At one freshman orientation at UNC Chapel Hill, white males were cast as “villains” in skits that aimed to teach diversity and inclusion. “Stand up if you identify as Caucasian,” students were told at a Princeton University freshman orientation before the leader moved on to other identities. At the end of the exercise, each freshman had been “branded with a demographic.” In a third example, freshmen at Vassar College were divided into small groups to talk about their identities then discuss which parts give them the most “privilege.” Many universities also often host a “privilege walk” exercise to showcase “white privilege” and other forms of alleged oppression. Students are told to step forward if they’re white or came from a two-parent home. The white privilege mantra follows students throughout their college career, as white students are often told to “check their privilege” when they seek to explain or defend their positions in classrooms or among peers.
Lie No. 2: Words are violence
The First Amendment is one of America’s greatest achievements, but on campus it’s anathema. Freshmen are advised to watch what they say lest they offend others. Students undergo training on microaggressions and racial bias. Hurtful words may be compared to literal violence. Freshmen are informed of campus bias response programs that collect complaints. Students are encouraged to “report hate.” These reports are then investigated by a team of administrators and the diversity office. Freshmen learn very quickly there’s no such thing as absolute free speech on campus. Because of this, many students, especially those on the center-right, keep their heads down and mouths shut for the four-year duration.
Lie No. 3: One in five co-eds will be sexually assaulted
One of the most oft-repeated higher education stats is that one-in-five women will be sexually assaulted or raped in college. In fact, then-Vice President Joe Biden touted the talking point when he helped launch “It’s On Us,” a nationwide college sexual assault prevention program. While there is some measure of sexual assault on campus and the topic should be taken seriously, the one-in-five stat has been thoroughly debunked. It’s based on a small sample from only two universities. Yet today it remains a favorite among administrators who basically argue their campuses are more unsafe for women than urban cities such as Detroit and Chicago. Meanwhile, administrators support campus programs that promote promiscuity. Freshman orientation leaders may tout upcoming “Sex Week” events on campus or even host an experience during welcome week. At George Mason University, for example, freshmen attended a “Sexual Chocolate” workshop, during which they were advised to “use chocolate in sex play.” This hyper-sexualized theme plays out during the rest of the school year on campuses across the nation, where condoms are doled out like candy, the abortifacient Plan B is sold in dormroom vending machines, and “Sex Week” events boast BDSM tutorials.
Lie No. 4: Gender is a choice
One of the first experiences students encounter is the complex and confusing world of preferred gender pronouns, such as “ze,” “hir” and “xem.” Orientation leaders introduce themselves by giving their name and preferred pronouns and expect new students to do the same. At one orientation, event leaders addressed freshmen as “those who identify as male” and “those who identify as women.” Students have been lectured “on not making assumptions about each other’s gender or sexuality.” In fact, even before they step foot on campus, they’re given a half-dozen choices for “gender identity” on college applications. Indeed, even the word “freshman” has been replaced by “first-years” at many campuses. During orientation, freshmen are informed of campus LGBTQ centers, which link students to hormone therapy and other sex-reassignment treatments, as more than 100 schools now offer transgender medical coverage for students. Freshmen are also often warned against using gendered terms or questioning gender theory in everything from conversations to essays. That’s because on-campus arguments against gender fluidity or talk of biological sex differences are deemed sexist, supportive of toxic masculinity, and could result in a report to the bias response team.
Lie No. 5: Being colorblind is racist
For the student who wants to take a stand against critical race theory on campus, the road will be difficult. Today’s universities have taken the position that the only way not to be racist is to be actively anti-racist. Hundreds of university presidents and administrators pledged as much in public announcements in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Critical race theory teaches that all whites are racist and perpetuate white supremacy and systemic racism both unconsciously and intentionally. Universities announced plans to add anti-racism education into 2021 orientations. Already over the last year students and faculty were often divided into “affinity groups” based on skin color to facilitate such training. Many universities across the nation also already host “Black Freshmen Orientation,” “Multicultural Student Welcome,” and similar events that segregate new students by race and ethnicity.
Freshman orientation is a landmine for young, impressionable teens away from home for the first time in their lives. And that’s exactly what college leaders bank on.
It’s the first step in a four-year indoctrination process that aims to ultimately warp everything you’ve taught your kids to believe.