WASHINGTON, D.C. — Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) today led a coalition of more than 19 policy organizations, leaders, and experts from around the nation to express opposition to a federal paid leave entitlement program in a joint letter to Congress. The letter was signed by Carrie Lukas, Independent Women’s Forum; Heather Higgins, Independent Women’s Voice; Garrett Bess, Heritage Action for America; Maureen Blum, Strategic Coalitions and Initiatives; Andrew F. Quinlan, Center for Freedom and Prosperity; David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance; Bob Carlstrom, The Carlstrom Group LLC; Annette Thompson Meeks, Freedom Foundation of Minnesota; Brandon Dutcher, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs; Ryan Ellis, Center for a Free Economy; C. Preston Noell III, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc; Ron Pearson, Conservative Victory Fund; Katie McAuliffe, Digital Liberty; Penny Young Nance, Concerned Women for America LAC; Brent Wm. Gardner, Americans for Prosperity; Brandon Arnold, National Taxpayers Union; Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform; Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government; and Phil Kerpen, American Commitment.
The letter noted that federal paid leave entitlement programs undermine workplace flexibility and create one-size-fits-all employment options for workers. This would particularly harm low-income workers and women.
Carrie Lukas, president of Independent Women’s Forum, said, “Employers across the country have been increasing paid leave benefits to employees, including hourly workers. That’s a trend we want to continue. However, creating a massive new federal entitlement program is the wrong way to expand paid leave access. Some big businesses will get a windfall from a federal program, but millions of workers will find they have fewer benefits and much less flexibility and control over their employment situation.”
“There are better ways to help workers who lack paid time off when they need it,” added Hadley Heath Manning, IWF’s policy director and a mother of three children under age five. “We don’t need to rewrite the employment contract of every single working American—and make everyone pay additional taxes every year of their lives—to solve this problem. There are far better, less disruptive solutions.”
Read the letter HERE.
Independent Women’s Forum is dedicated to developing and advancing policies that aren’t just well intended, but actually enhance people’s freedom, choices, and opportunities.