As Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, the blitz of misinformation, disinformation, evasions and outright lies from Biden and his team reached levels that invited comparison with Iraq’s Saddam-era charlatan of “information,” Baghdad Bob. Below are a few examples, along with explanations why they’re untrue:
• On July 8, Biden told the press there was almost no chance of a replay in Kabul of the terrible scenes from the 1975 fall of Saigon.

Mostly false or misleading. Significant errors or omissions. Mostly make believe.
Not true. In 1975, South Vietnam was overrun by communist forces of the People’s Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong. On April 30, 1975, the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon fell, with scenes of chaotic and mismanaged American evacuation, including the iconic picture of people scrambling into a helicopter on a rooftop. Almost half a century later, in August, 2021, the fall of Kabul brought similar scenes, with helicopter flights evacuating the U.S. embassy, and panicked crowds begging for rescue as American troops ran a last-ditch evacuation effort via the Kabul airport. On Aug. 20, 2021, NRP reported “it’s not too hard to see why” the evacuation of Americans and others from Kabul elicited comparisons to the fall of Saigon, alongside its republished broadcast from that day. But as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and others argued, the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was actually, “much worse than Saigon.”
Contrary to Biden’s original claim, not only was there a chance of a “replay in Kabul of the terrible scenes from the 1975 fall of Saigon,” but within weeks of his remarks, such terrible scenes were playing out for all the world to see.
• On August 16, Biden disparaged the courage of the Afghan army, saying they had no will to fight.

Mostly false or misleading. Significant errors or omissions. Mostly make believe.
Not true. More than 66,000 Afghans have died fighting the Taliban and other insurgents.
• Biden said repeatedly that he would leave no one behind in Afghanistan, including a promise on August 19 that if any American citizens were still on the ground by his August 31 deadline, “we’re gonna stay to get them all out.”

False. Completely make believe.
Not true. As of Sept. 27, nearly one month after Biden withdrew U.S. troops, there were still about 100 American citizens and lawful permanent residents in Afghanistan who were ready to leave, according to a senior State Department official (and possibly many more, not tallied by the State Department). Not only did the president violate his promise to leave no Americans behind, but his White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki doubled down on it by scolding a Fox News reporter for asking about those left stranded.
>>> Read more: Biden’s Lie About Leaving No American Citizen Behind
• Biden repeatedly described himself as boxed in by Trump’s agreement to withdraw U.S. forces.

False. Completely make believe.
Not true. On February 29, 2020, the U.S., under President Trump, signed a conditions-based peace deal with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, that paved the way for a complete withdrawal by May 2021.
Not only did the Taliban violate the conditions-based agreement, but President Biden effectively acknowledged as much, explicitly saying if we waited for the right conditions, we would never leave. Furthermore, upon taking office, President Biden was under no obligation to follow through with the Doha Agreement. Biden had no compunction about scrapping such Trump legacies as the Keystone XL pipeline, reversing Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement, seeking to reenter the Iran nuclear deal and allowing Nordstream 2 — opposed by Trump — to go forward.
Now, while telling us the buck stops with him, Biden is nonetheless blaming Trump. The current debacle in Afghanistan is not a legacy of Trump. It is a product of President Biden’s foreign policy, pure, simple and in this case, disastrous.
• Biden and his team keep calling the 20-year war in Afghanistan America’s longest war.

False. Completely make believe.
Not true. The U.S. has had troops in South Korea since 1950, when North Korea triggered a hot war by invading the South. An armistice has been in place since 1953, but 71 years after the Korean war began, it has never officially ended, nor has the threat from North Korea. Meantime, after decades of poverty and dictatorship, South Korea under the U.S. umbrella has become a developed democracy.
During his withdrawal, Biden presented a series of false choices, describing his options in Afghanistan almost entirely in terms of extremes: America could leave now, or stay forever; withdraw all troops, or ramp up to enormous levels. He displayed no serious consideration of a course between extremes, or of the value of maintaining a presence in Central Asia—now prey to China’s hegemonic ambitions.
With the fall of Afghanistan, hostile regimes worldwide are taking stock of their own opportunities in a shifting global order—an order in which the American superpower cuts and runs from the victorious Taliban.