Ginny Gentles, director of IWF’s Education Freedom Center (EFC), will be joining an event hosted by The Heritage Foundation on how Congress and the states can strengthen policies and laws to protect the fundamental rights of parents.

Parents have the basic right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children. The Constitution protects this right. But today, government overreach and destructive ideologies threaten children and the rights of American moms and dads.

Congress and the states can strengthen policies and laws to protect the fundamental rights of parents. The Promise to America’s Parents provides lawmakers with a path to restoring what has been broken.

Join us for a panel discussion with experts to learn how to protect parental rights and children from today’s ideological threats.

The Heritage Foundation

The event will take place on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 10 am Eastern.

Lean more by visiting The Heritage Foundation