WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the anniversary of the Child Tax Credit, Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) urges legislators to improve our country’s child care infrastructure by returning resources to parents and reducing unnecessary regulations. Child care is an important and personal service for millions of Americans, but it is also the biggest household expense for many families today. Parents deserve affordable, quality child care from a variety of providers – not a one-size fits all government daycare regime.
The Child Tax Credit (CTC) helps all parents by letting them keep more of their earnings to spend as they know is best for their families. While CTC expansion has had its complications, this approach of returning resources to parents is far superior to services delivered by an unaccountable government bureaucracy. Notably, the CTC does not exclude families with in-home caregivers such as stay-at-home moms or grandparents, allowing parents greater flexibility.
Carrie Lukas, president of Independent Women’s Forum, issued the following statement:
“Parents – not the President, not Congress, and not DC bureaucrats – know what’s best for their children and families. Rather than standing up massive bureaucracies to provide particular services to families (which inevitably end up low quality, politicized, or simply not a good fit for most families), policymakers should focus on letting families keep more of their own money and provide direct financial support to those who need it. That’s what the Child Tax Credit does.”
IWF is leading the way in addressing the child care challenges facing parents:
- Read a letter from Patrice Onwuka, director of IWF’s Center for Economic Opportunity, advocating members of Congress to pass the Small Business Child Care Investment Act HERE.
- Watch Carrie Lukas’s testimony before the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee on solving the child care crisis HERE.
Independent Women’s Forum is dedicated to developing and advancing policies that aren’t just well intended but actually enhance people’s freedom, opportunities, and well-being.