A growing number of “childfree” adults in the U.S. are pushing policies and societal attitudes hostile to the presence of children… and against parental rights.
Society should welcome and celebrate families—so why do families with small children (especially large families) face so much hostility nearly everywhere we go?
My frequent flier toddler (who has been on 24 flights in her 2 years on earth) spends most flights singing songs and playing with toys—and yes, sometimes she’s a handful. Sometimes she (gasp) cries because she’s tired and doesn’t want to sit still for take off.
When she was a baby, most people would smile sweetly with understanding eyes as I paced the aisle, rocking and shushing. I remember noting how frequently I was asked if I needed help with my one, tiny, sleeping infant strapped to my body while moms traveling with multiple children were never extended a similar courtesy.
Now, as a toddler mom, the hateful glares we get if my girl dares make a peep sometimes actually make me worry for our safety.
And that’s just with one kid! One kid who frequently says “yes ma’am,” “please,” and “thank you!”
The current behavior toward people with spirited children (or who have large families) is unhinged. Don’t believe me? Go grocery shopping with a friend who has more than four kids and observe her experience. Count the number of comments she receives, under-the-breath remarks, or scowls on the faces of those she passes.
And if she has more than five kids, she may now need you to come along as an escort as Bethany Mandel just discovered…
This is exactly what I’m talking about.
As Matt Walsh observed on his show, “Our culture pretends to oppose bigotry and yet the ONE group of people that it’s socially acceptable to openly despise… is children!”
Is this a global problem? Having traveled extensively I believe that no, it is not—but don’t take it from me: Scroll IG reels long enough and you’ll get served copious videos of ex-pat Americans living in Asian, European, and African countries, gushing about how the culture from Austria to Zambia orients around children and supports parents—and it’ll make you wonder… is this an American problem?
While most Americans certainly still welcome the presence of children (or at least bite their tongue when a toddler is crying at dinner or splashing water at the pool), the growing number of people who are “childfree by choice” suggests the percentage of people who know how to co-exist peacefully with little people is plummeting along with the birth rate… so this problem will only get worse until we tackle it head-on.