The Biden Administration’s net-zero agenda and electrification push continues to rage, affecting everyday household appliance function and costs—especially those involving gas. 

After significant pushback and thousands of comments, the Department of Energy (DOE) issued its final rule on gas stoves. Thankfully, the DOE did respond to the many negative comments on the rule. The finalized standards now only bans 3% of gas stoves on the market compared to 50% under the initial proposed rule. The rule also only applies to new stoves being sold. Despite this, however, it still sets a bad precedent for executive overreach and faulty authority that has and will affect other household appliance rules.  

As Congressman Bob Latta, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce committee, declared, “I still believe the federal government should not be imposing its will upon free markets. Whether it’s as small as 3 percent or as large as 50 percent, we simply need less government intervention and regulations, not more.”

The rule is in the pre-publication process. You can still submit comments on the bill, and the DOE could possibly withdraw the rule before it takes effect in 2028.    

Additionally, the DOE recently finalized an efficiency standard for natural gas furnaces that increases costs and limits consumer choices. The rule is expected to phase out up to 60% of current consumer furnaces, including banning nearly all non-condensing furnace models. It is also anticipated to increase costs for 30% of senior-only households, 26% of low-income households, and 27% of small business consumers. The rule will go into effect February 16, 2024 and be fully enacted by 2028..  

In response, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach (R-MN), and Congressman Pat Fallon (R-TX)—with support of over 25 Members of Congress—have introduced a disapproval resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) that would block this gas furnace rule. 

Let’s hope more citizens and legislators push back against the many household appliance rules so that the DOE is forced to do only one thing—redirect its course. 

The Biden Administration climate policy has certainly overreached its authority, leading one to ask, what’s next … balloons?

Independent Women is exposing the Department of Energy’s over 15 proposed or finalized regulations that would make your home cost more to run, repair, and replace. This blog is in a series called “Secretary Granholm—Hands Off My House.” To learn more and take action, visit OUR ACTION CENTER. Be sure to check out the interactive “Secretary Granholm’s House of Horrors” to see how the rules could affect appliances in your home.