Watching videos of young women coming forward to share stories of assaults on the streets of New York City, something deeply sinister stood out to me about how these women talk about their own assaults.

First, if you haven’t seen these videos, they’re horrifying:

As you can see, many of the women hardly seem outraged by it. 

Some seem to be laughing. “Just another crazy day in NYC!” their eye rolls seem to say.

None mention violence against women at the hands of men. None describe their assailants or seem to be warning women about how to avoid a similar fate.

None mentioned bystanders coming to their defense.

They seem to just accept that this is sad—but normal.

Let’s be clear: There is NOTHING normal about it, at least there shouldn’t be. 

When did we allow violence against women to be so normalized?

Answer: Around the same time we started pushing the notion that men and women are the same, that sex doesn’t matter, that being a man or a woman is just a state of mind.

And in case you were ready to brush this off by avoiding a trip to the Big Apple, the problem is much, much worse than just mentally ill criminals on the streets of NYC.

Recently at my neighborhood playground, I witnessed the impacts of gender ideology in action.

A boy around ten or eleven years old began pushing and shoving a seven- or eight-year-old girl.

The park was crowded with older children who had just been dropped off by a school bus. As I wrangled my toddler into a swing, I held my breath in horror waiting to see how the social herd would react to this.

Nobody said, “That’s a GIRL.”

In fact, nobody told him not to do it at all.

And why should they? We’ve blurred the lines between girls and boys—and all the anti-bullying PSAs and “social and emotional learning” kids are getting in school don’t seem to be making children less violent. Instead, children are learning that women don’t deserve special protections at all.

All this points to the ideology that DOES seem to have taken hold of this generation of children: the end of sex.

In my lifetime, any time I have ever seen public violence against a woman (admittedly VERY rare), I knew I would immediately then see all grown men in the vicinity leap up as if an electric current had run through their bodies, spurring them toward the perpetrator and to the defense of the woman. Women, too, would instinctively and wordlessly step in to encircle the woman like mother hens, checking on her.

This is natural and normal, but it’s also a social norm most of us learned on the playground as children. While I was also of the “girls can do ANYTHING!” generation that preached that we shouldn’t say someone “throws like a girl” or “runs like a girl,” it was also still one with a law that EVERYONE knew: Boys don’t hit girls. Boys don’t even play rough with girls. It’s cowardly and wrong.

And yet here I was, witnessing a boy roughly attacking a little girl much smaller than him. When she fell to the ground I screamed “KNOCK IT OFF!” and, thankfully, they all zipped up and someone meekly informed me they were “just playing.”

Then I reminded them: “That’s not playing. BOYS DON’T HIT GIRLS—EVER!”

Unless we combat the source of this problem, we can expect scenes like that to become more and more common in a world that normalizes violence of all kinds.

Anti-woman, “red-pilled” grifters like Pearl cackle that “equal rights mean equal lefts”—suggesting that the violence women now experience is just the natural end result of feminists’ long fight for gender equality. 

That would be a great theory except we had decades of gender equality and opportunity for women without a rise of violence against them.

It’s never been more important to resist the cult of gender ideology—to speak up and stop the erasure of women… and especially make sure children understand the difference between boys and girls. 

And in the meantime, protect your children.