WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) released the 13th video in its documentary series, “Identity Crisis.” The series tells the authentic stories of detransitioners who now warn of the harms of socially and medically “transitioning,” mothers whose daughters fell victim to gender ideology, and a mental health professional who rails against her profession for prioritizing political correctness over public health.

The latest documentary tells the story of Cristina Hineman, a 20-year-old female detransitioner who is now suing Planned Parenthood, her surgeon, and other providers alleging medical malpractice, gross negligence, and lack of informed consent.

Cristina, telling her story for the first time on camera, describes obtaining a testosterone prescription upon her first visit to Planned Parenthood in Hudson, New York, less than a month after she turned 18. A year later, just weeks after undergoing a double mastectomy to remove her healthy breasts, Cristina realized it was all a mistake and began detransitioning. 

“I went back to Planned Parenthood after stopping testosterone, and I met with the same nurse practitioner who had prescribed me testosterone. I wanted to know what was going to happen to my body,” Cristina says in the documentary. “And she had no idea. She kept saying, ‘It’s different for everyone. There’s no way to know.’ That was kind of the moment I just realized, wow, this woman doesn’t even know what she’s talking about. I don’t understand how my consent could have been informed if the person prescribing it to me doesn’t even know what happens if I stop.”


Kelsey Bolar, senior policy analyst at IWF and executive producer of the series, said, “Cristina Hineman’s story exposes how wreckless Planned Parenthood and other providers acted in dolling out so-called ‘gender affirming’ drugs and surgeries. No child or teen with a history of mental illness should be able to walk into Planned Parenthood, and walk out 30 minutes later with a prescription for a powerful, experimental drug that carries a lifetime of medical consequences. Further, no doctor should remove a struggling, confused teenager’s healthy breasts. While her body will never fully recover from the harm that testosterone and surgery imposed, Hineman’s lawsuit brings hope that the injustice perpetrated by Planned Parenthood and other providers will soon be ended and exposed.”

Watch Cristina’s story.

Interested in interviewing Cristina Hineman or Kelsey Bolar, contact [email protected]



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