WASHINGTON, D.C. Our Bodies, Our Sports, the nation’s first and only coalition of women’s advocacy organizations fighting for fairness in women’s sports, issued a letter to President-elect Donald Trump requesting that he use his voice to urge the NCAA to take action to protect the rights and opportunities of collegiate female athletes.

Our Bodies, Our Sports coalition represents thousands of female athletes, Olympians, coaches, and women’s advocacy groups from across the political spectrum. Since 2021, Our Bodies, Our Sports has gained national recognition for its work standing up for female athletes, advocating for sports governing bodies to establish policies that prohibit male athletes from the women’s game, and creating the largest, most ideologically diverse women’s movement of our time.

The NCAA’s controversial and unscientific Transgender Student-Athlete Participation Policy continues to allow men to participate in women’s sports — taking away women’s opportunities to compete, roster spots on teams, medals, and safe and fair competition. In April 2024, following an influx of more than 7,000 female athletes writing personal letters to the NCAA regarding its discriminatory participation policy, the NCAA released a statement on its website that the policy was “under review” and that the NCAA would “continue to promote Title IX” and “ensure fair competition.” Despite overwhelming national support for keeping women’s sports female, the NCAA has yet to make any policy changes. 

The letter to Trump is signed by Our Bodies, Our Sports member organizations: Independent Women’s Forum, Independent Council on Women’s Sports, Women’s Declaration International USA, Champion Women, International Consortium on Female Sport, Concerned Women for America, Women’s Liberation Front, Independent Women’s Law Center, Young Women for America, Independent Women’s Voice, and Independent Women’s Network.

The letter, which can be read here, states, in part:

We write now to ask you to also use your powerful voice to urge the NCAA to take action and clarify participation rules to protect the rights and opportunities of female athletes.

Our Bodies, Our Sports urges Donald Trump to take action as President of the United States according to his pledge to keep men out of women’s sports and to use his voice to pressure the NCAA to clarify participation rules for the sake of female athletes. The letter also addresses the Biden administration’s discriminatory Title IX rewrite, calling on Trump to restore Title IX’s guarantee of equal opportunity for the sexes.

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The Our Bodies, Our Sports coalition formed in 2022 to defend women’s sports and the integrity of the female sporting category. Despite political and ideological differences, members of the coalition stand together with gratitude for the generations of female athletes who came before us and in defense of all the women and girls who will come next.