WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Independent Women, a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and advancing policies that actually enhance opportunity and well being, welcomes the new administration on Inauguration Day with a letter congratulating President Donald Trump, looking ahead to a positive working relationship with his administration. 

The letter lays out a series of policy concepts for President Trump and his administration to consider that would restore opportunities for Americans and strengthen our country. 

“The American people resoundingly elected President Trump because of the positive policy vision that he offers: smart economic policies to make life affordable, strong border policies to enhance security, the elimination of red tape that has prevented innovation, and the restoration of common sense across the board. Independent Women resoundingly supports these priorities and looks forward to working with the administration to advance positive policy change during the next four years,” said Carrie Lukas, Independent Women president.

The letter covers a broad range of issues, including:

  • Putting America First
  • Rebuilding the Military and Defense Industry
  • Standing With Women
  • Keeping Taxes Low for American Families
  • Securing the Border
  • Promoting Energy Abundance
  • Preserving Workplace Flexibility
  • Expanding Access to Portable Benefits
  • Expanding Access to Earned (Paid) Leave
  • Protecting Women in Prison
  • Ensuring Healthcare Price Transparency
  • Addressing Runaway Costs of Living
  • Enhancing Education Freedom
  • Addressing College Costs
  • Expanding Access to In-Home Caregiving
  • Restoring Trust in Government

Lukas added, “Congratulations to President Trump and his incoming team as they begin their important work. After four hard years, the American people are ready for new leadership in Washington and to reforms that will make the government accountable to the people it serves.” 

Read the full letter here.



Independent Women’s Forum is dedicated to developing and advancing policies that aren’t just well intended but actually enhance people’s freedom, choices, and opportunities.