WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice, applaud President Trump’s executive order to end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in America and restore the true meaning of ‘care’ for America’s youngest generation. The order will restore scientific integrity to medical guidance for children suffering from body and sex disphoria. The Executive Order rejects the scientifically baseless WPATH “affirmation” models and calls on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to release new guidelines. It seeks to withhold funding from entities involved in chemical and surgical mutilation of minors and makes it easier for victims of gender related mutilation to seek justice.
As a one-sided echo chamber has pushed an “affirmation-only” model, American children have been left with irreversible damage to their healthy bodies and minds — leaving them on a medical leash for life. In 2022, IW Features launched its “Identity Crisis” documentary series to give a voice to those detransitioners, experts, and parents fighting to end the effects of gender ideology. President Trump’s executive order is a victory in their fight to end the cruel medical experimentation on America’s youth.
One of the subjects featured in “Identity Crisis” is Prisha Mosley. Mosley, a detransitioner and Independent Women ambassador, was relieved to hear the news of the executive order. “The chemical and surgical mutilation of children ends today thanks to President Trump,” she said. “This twisted ideology has devastated parents and children, destroying the entire family unit and the child’s future. Because of President Trump’s decisive executive order, this horrible outcry is going to start calming down for children everywhere, and there will be less grief. The truth does set you free in the end. Today, I feel heard.”
Josh Payne, Mosley’s lead attorney and founding partner with the firm of Campbell Miller Payne, PLLC, which represents detransitioners nationwide, added: “Our clients are living proof that the healthcare industry has failed the children of America. Vulnerable young people experiencing discomfort and confusion should be protected and treated for their mental health struggles. They should not have their healthy bodies and reproductive organs taken away. President Trump’s executive order ends the inhumane practice of child mutilation and calls on Congress to enable victims to seek much needed justice in court.”
Watch the stories of detransitioners in “Identity Crisis”
With the dramatic rise in youth identifying as transgender or non-binary, the number of those seeking puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries has dramatically surged. Over the last five years, 14,000 minors have undergone procedures, nearly 6,000 minors have had surgeries to remove and/or replace health body parts, more than 8,500 minors have received hormones and puberty blockers, and nearly 63,000 sex change prescriptions were written for minors.
President Trump’s executive order reflects the growing movement of individuals across the country—including detransitioners and Independent Women ambassadors who have bravely shared their personal experiences and intimate details through Independent Women’s grassroots storytelling and original journalism arm, IW Features—who want to prevent other young people from suffering the consequences of pervasive gender ideology extremism. Trump’s executive order bars healthcare providers from medicalizing otherwise healthy children and teens.
Here’s what other female detransitioners and experts who shared their stories through IW Features’ “Identity Crisis” series had to say about the chemical and surgical mutilation of children:
Chloe Cole, a female detransitioner who began her medical transition at 12 years old: “I needed to be given therapy that helped me work through my issues, not affirmed my delusion that by transforming into a boy, it would solve all my problems. We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they were born wrong, that they are right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable with their own skin.”
Miriam Grossman, MD, a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist whose private practice includes gender-confused children and their families: “We want to try and put children on a path in which they will have fewer doctors’ appointments in their lives. Not more.”
Isabelle Ayala, a female detransitioner who began her medical transition at the age of 14: “Ill-informed policymaking that celebrates the medicalization of a child’s gender distress needs to STOP. We are humans, not your guinea pigs.”
Soren Aldaco, a female detransitioner who began self-identifying as male at 11 years old and eventually began hormone replacement therapy at 17: “Nobody will understand the complications that come with these procedures and these treatments until they experience them. I know I didn’t, and reality caught up with me.”
IW Features’ “Identity Crisis” series features 13 short documentaries and broke the stories of detransitioners, including Prisha Mosley, Cristina Hineman, Jeannette Cooper, and Isabelle Ayala.
Subjects featured in “Identity Crisis” series:
- Prisha’s Story Pt. 1 | Mentally Ill Teen Betrayed by Health Professionals Who Recommended Testosterone and ‘Top Surgery’
- Prisha’s Story Pt. 2 | A Detransitioner’s Pregnancy Journey
- Cristina’s Story | Meet the Detransitioner Suing Planned Parenthood
- Jeannette’s Story | Chicago Mother Loses Custody of Her Daughter—For Insisting That Her Daughter Is A Girl
- Isabelle’s Story | The 20-Year-Old Detransitioner Taking on the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Jennifer’s Story | After Identifying as Trans, a Male Teacher Asked Her 11-Year-Old Daughter to Sleep In the Boy’s Cabin
- Susie’s Story | Public School, Mental Health Professionals Deceive Mom To Secretly Affirm Daughter
- Vera’s Story | Mom Accuses Educators, Therapist of Driving Her Autistic, Gender Confused Child Into ‘Catastrophic Ruin’
- Daisy’s Story | After ‘Top Surgery’ & Hormones, Female Detransitioner Decided She Wanted to Be A Mom
- Cat’s Story | Detransitioner Loses Natural Singing Voice After ‘Gender Affirming’ Care
- Miriam’s Story | Doctor Sounds Alarm on ‘Transgender Assembly Line’
- Chloe’s Story | Why Chloe Cole Deserves the Jazz Jennings Treatment—and More
- Soren’s Story | How One Detransitioner Found Peace Outside of Medicalization