Today at 12 p.m. EDT, Independent Women’s Forum will be standing alongside the Roanoke College Women’s Swim Team as they call for the NCAA to protect women’s spaces, privacy, safety, and opportunities after being forced to share a roster spot with a biological male. Hear from the collegiate women who… Read More
While the vast majority of Americans possess checking and savings accounts, use credit cards, and finance major purchases with loans, a surprisingly large share of Americans struggle with barriers to opening and maintaining financial accounts. This makes daily life more difficult in an increasingly cashless society—particularly during rising inflation. The… Read More
One form of inflation flying under the radar is degree inflation. Many more jobs now require a four-year degree than they did in the recent past. The degree may be unconnected to the duties of the job but serves to filter applicant pools. Degree inflation comes with a cost to… Read More
Earth Day has become synonymous with the Left’s approach to ‘climate change,’ but what are the conservative efforts to preserve the environment? The federal government, led by the Biden White House, is pursuing policies that set the U.S. back by relying on foreign nations with bad track records for our energy… Read More