The Consumer Choice Center will host six media roundtables discussing the effectiveness of the World Health Organization (WHO) in September 2018.

We invite journalists, regulators, policy-makers, and civil society to join us for presentations on the WHO’s shortcomings in working towards better global public health and how the WHO actively blocks healthier technologies in the area of harm reduction.

Join us at our event in Washington, D.C. on September 25th at 12:00 PM at the National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, D.C.

Foreign Aid for Public Health and Clandestine Maneuvering: Insights from the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Yaël Ossowski, Journalist and Deputy Director of the Consumer Choice Center

Harm Reduction Policies Are Particularly Important for Women’s Health: Julie Gunlock, Director, Center for Progress and Innovation, Independent Women’s Forum

Behind the Times: The WHO, E-Cigarettes, and Tobacco Harm Reduction: Guy Bentley, Consumer Freedom Research Associate, Reason Foundation

IARC’s flawed decision-making process harms global health: Ross Marchand, Director of Policy, Taxpayers Protection Alliance.