
Divisive Ideology

As parents peered into Zoom classrooms during COVID-era remote instruction, they discovered radical curriculum content inspired by critical race theory and gender ideology. These lessons plans, K-12 staff training materials, and education policies harm students and disempower parents. Parents and policymakers are understandably concerned, and they are eager to reorient schools back to what matters. Parents want their children to learn to read and acquire math skills, rather than be drilled on CRT and gender ideology terms and concepts. State and local school boards should listen to parents and stop sacrificing children’s interests to their political agenda.
Divisive Ideology

‘Book Bans’ Debunked: ‘Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness’

Julianna Frandle | Blog
Divisive Ideology

IWF Submits Written Statement on Graphic, Explicit Books in School Libraries

Nicole Solas | Testimony
Divisive Ideology

From Potty Language to Pornographic Material

Makenna McCoy | Blog
Divisive Ideology

Colleges are Using DEI Criteria to Discriminate

Julianna Frandle | Op-Ed
Divisive Ideology

Banned Books Week is Nonsense

Elizabeth Grace Matthew | Blog
Divisive Ideology

Two Truths And A Lie: Banned Books Week

Ginny Gentles | Two Truths and a Lie
Divisive Ideology

‘Book Bans’ Debunked: ‘It’s Perfectly Normal’

Julianna Frandle | Blog
Divisive Ideology

Ibram Kendi and the implosion of DEI in higher education

Caroline Downey | Op-Ed
Divisive Ideology

House Subcommittee Answered PDE’s Call to Explore CCP Influence in K-12 Schools

Makenna McCoy | Blog
Divisive Ideology

To Whom Do America’s Children Belong?

Elizabeth Grace Matthew | Blog
Divisive Ideology

FACT CHECK: Can Schools Withhold Information from Parents About Gender Identity Surveys?

Makenna McCoy | Unicorn Fact Check
Divisive Ideology

FACT CHECK: Should Young Children Be Protected from ‘Gender-Affirming’ Books?

Julianna Frandle | Unicorn Fact Check

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