

Parents want schools to focus on core academic subjects, rather than divisive content, and they want to protect their children from activist-drafted lesson plans. Radical curriculum content, from critical race theory to gender-bending ideology did not spring forth overnight. The politicization of the education system was decades in the making, as teachers, administrators, and contractors all marinated in the underlying ideology. It will not be easy to steer schools away from their chosen path on these topics. Activist school employees can modify content in order to evade content bans. School districts regularly impede parents’ ability to know what is happening in classrooms by requiring time-consuming and often expensive FOIA requests. Parents must be proactively empowered with academic transparency policies that require classroom instructional materials to be posted online, allowing parents to monitor lessons and resources introduced by teachers.

Virginia’s History Education Guidelines are a Model for the Country

Angela Morabito | Blog

ICYMI: Independent Women’s Forum Joins Protect Kids Caucus for Back to School Roundtable on Capitol Hill

Press Team | Press Release

The results are in: Florida tops the education freedom report card

Emma Wilenta | Blog

Independent Women’s Forum Releases the Story of Susie, Alaskan Mom Who Was ‘Intentionally Deceived’ by Public School Transitioning Her Daughter

Press Team | Press Release

‘Parents Not Welcome’: Rhode Island Mom Sues School District Over Secret Meetings

Nicole Solas | Featured in

Parental Opt-Out Policies Are the Bare Minimum of What Virginia Parents Deserve

May Mailman | Blog

The Parent Movement Needs School Choice

Ginny Gentles | Op-Ed

Event | Promise to America’s Parents

Ginny Gentles | Events

Angela Morabito


Alexandria Schools Superintendent To Resign

Julie Gunlock | On the Radio

Calling Us Terrorists Wasn’t Enough: NSBA Wanted Military to Crack Down on Concerned Parents

Nicole Solas | Op-Ed

From Mom to Activist: How One Mom Manages Both Tough Jobs

Julie Gunlock & Nicole Solas | Bespoke Podcast

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