For too long, progressives have dominated the policy agenda in Washington with a vision of America in which government is the solution to every problem. Lean Together, a new book by the Independent Women’s Forum, puts forth a positive agenda in which republican ideals of limited government, virtue, and self-improvement are re-imagined. Written entirely by women, the book offers concrete policy solutions to challenges that confront America and especially women and their families to rein in the progressive state, streamline government, and strengthen our economy.
Join us as four of Lean Together’s authors discuss how to improve economic opportunities for women and their families in America. Copies of Lean Together will also be available for purchase.
Hosted By:
Genevieve Wood | Senior Contributor, The Daily Signal
Romina Boccia | Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs, The Heritage Foundation
Diana Furchtgott-Roth | Director of Economics21 and Senior Fellow, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Julie Gunlock | Director of the Culture of Alarmism Project, Independent Women’s Forum
Sabrina Schaeffer | Executive Director Independent Women’s Forum