Caroline Kitchens is outreach manager and a policy analyst with the R Street Institute, a free-market think tank focused on pragmatic solutions to policy challenges. At R Street, Caroline works to advance the institute’s policy goals on Capitol Hill and manages relationships with coalition partners on a range of issues including agriculture, public health and technology policy. Before joining R Street, Caroline was senior research associate in social and cultural studies at the American Enterprise Institute, where she started the popular video blog The Factual Feminist with well-known dissident feminist Christina Hoff Sommers. Her commentary pieces, which often critique 21st century feminism and campus culture, have been published in outlets including Time, National Review, The Weekly Standard, U.S. News Report and The Hill.
Caroline graduated with honors from Duke University with a bachelor’s degree in history and political science. A native of Northeast Wisconsin, she now lives in Washington with her boxer/pitbull mix, Maurice.