Emily is a senior fellow at the Independent Women's Forum, where she focuses on energy, regulation, the economy, government budgeting, poverty reduction and international issues.
Prior to joining IWF, Emily worked as Legislative Researcher for Public Notice and on the Bankrupting America campaign. Her strategy, forward thinking, creativity, and policy work contributed towards effective policy marketing, polling, messaging, and the creation of unique policy education products like short films, infographics, policy events, billboards, fact sheets, blogs and briefing books.
Emily began her career in the United States Senate. In the office of Senator John Cornyn, she focused on budgetary, banking, fiscal, economic, financial, educational and family issues.
Emily graduated from Texas A&M University with a dual degree in Communications and Political Science. During her time in school, she studied at Shanghai International Studies University and worked for the Republican Party of Texas.
Emily’s commentary has been published in The Hill.