Heather is the chairman of Independent Women’s Forum, where she uses her passion for creating an opportunity society for everyone to create a vision and overall strategy for IWF’s efforts.
Heather has been involved in numerous organizations that share the mission of improving people’s lives by creating a better, fairer, more innovative and prosperous country. Heather serves as CEO of Independent Women’s Voice (IWF’s sister organization) and she is also on the board of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In addition, she is on the NY board of UBS’s mutual funds, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She was named as one of the “50 Most Influential People” by Campaigns & Elections magazine for her issue advocacy and being a thought leader.
Some of the campaigns Heather has designed include:
- creating an IWF “helping hands” program for the families of 9/11 that had or were about to have newborns
- stopping crippling legislation that would have shut down many small and worthy charities that didn’t have the overhead for masses of lawyers and accountants, and
- creating IWV’s Repeal Pledge on the Affordable Care Act, as a first step putting health care back in the hands of women, and men, and their doctors, where it belongs and moving to healthcare price transparency to achieve real reform.
Heather previously worked in finance and as an editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal and assistant editor at the Public Interest magazine. When not working, Heather loves to cook, hike, and make friends laugh. She continues to write opinion editorials and appears on a variety of radio and television programs. Heather lives in New York City with her husband, and has six offspring — three twenty-something two-foots, and three still-at-home four-foots (a cat and two squirrel-obsessed dogs).