Krista Kafer, a Colorado native, returned to her home state in 2004 after nine years in the nation’s capital where she served as the senior expert on education policy at the influential Heritage Foundation. While at the Heritage Foundation she wrote, School Choice 2003: How States Are Providing Greater Opportunity in Education, as well as numerous papers, a journal article for the New York University Annual Survey of American Law, opinion editorials, and chapters in books published by Greenhaven Press and Lexington Books.
Her analysis has been cited in leading newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Education Week, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Boston Globe, and magazines such as Business Week, Forbes, World Magazine, The Economist, and Governing Magazine. She has been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs including CNN’s “Live from the Headlines,” FOX News Channel’s “Hannity & Colmes,” “Studio B with Shepard Smith,” and “The Big Story with John Gibson,” Chris Matthews’ “Hardball” and “Joe Scarborough Country” on MSNBC, PBS’s “DebatesDebates,” Westwood One’s “Jim Bohannon Show,” “The Kogo Nnamdi Show” on WAMU (NPR affiliate), and NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” and “The Tavis Smiley Show.” On several occasions, she testified before Congress and state legislatures.
Kafer is now a self-employed consultant and writer, working primarily with government agencies, schools, universities and think tanks. She is a senior fellow with two Colorado think tanks — the Independence Institute and the Centenial Institute—and a Lincoln Fellow with the Claremont Institute and a graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies.