The panel, called “Scared to Death: How Government Nannies are Creating a Culture of Alarmism,” will feature four speakers covering food, chemicals, agriculture and energy–all focusing on scare tactics employed by health advocates and government nannies in order to further their regulatory goals.

Details are below – RSVP HERE.

Scared to Death Panel
Date: 2/27/13
Time: 6:30-8:30-ish
Location: The Fund for American Studies
1706 New Hampshire Ave, WDC


Baylen Linnekin | Executive Director, Keep Food Legal
Angela Logomasini | Senior Fellow,CEI
Scott Drenkard | Economist, Tax Foundation 
Jillian Kay Melchior | Fellow, The Phillips Foundation  


Julie Gunlock  | Director of the Culture of Alarmism Project, Independent Women’s Forum