I am a proud Alpha Chi Omega alum. Next month I’ll be receiving my 60-year pin.

When I went to Washington University in St, Louis, it was more of a commuter college than it is now. So, many of us lived at home.

We didn’t have sorority houses, but we had rooms or suites in the women’s building. This was a lifesaver for those of us that lived at home. It gave us a place to eat lunch and hang out between classes. We could leave books and personal items there. It also gave us a chance to make friends.

I have friends that went there and were not in sororities or fraternities, and they didn’t have many friends. They went to class and then back home.

Of course, I loved the activities we participated in like Greek Sing and Thurtene carnival. I enjoy time with my sisters that I’ve known for many years.

I would hate to think we would have men identifying as women in our space. Here’s a photo from my chapter’s 100th anniversary.