I am a before-Title IX-athlete. I was not allowed to play Little League because I was a girl. There were no sports for girls except swimming, and my family could not afford the sport.

I am still an athlete playing tennis, field hockey, soccer, pickle-ball and have 35 years of experience as a triathlete. I have played with men in tennis, soccer and field hockey, and have been outclassed by speed and strength as well as nailed by balls that have injured me.

It is not fun playing against transgender women in tennis that have the same rating as me because a 3.5 USTA-rated man is not the same as a 3.5 USTA-rated woman. I had to play against two transgender men in USTA League Sectional tournament two summers ago. The USTA allows men to take a position away from women and they think that is okay. I do not.

I feel like I am a 3rd class citizen now because a position guaranteed by women’s rights has been taken away from me by a man. Most of my teammates in all my sports agree, but we don’t know how to voice our concerns. Keep up the fight for women’s sports!